Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Who is the nubtart- PS. This topic has no bearing or whatsoever to the contents

Its now 6.20pm and I finished my Data Analysis Lecture 20 min ago. Lecture wasn't that bad as the usual "bad" feeling you get during some lectures when you couldn't even understand 50% of what the lecturer is speaking. 10 more min and I shall go for dinner at the Indonesian cafe nearby. Drats I had better start cooking to save more money. Don't even know why I am blogging like a real blogger, maybe its because I dont have internet access for this sem and my only means of communication to people is through this website(that is if there are people reading my blog). Anyone ever experienced life without internet? Oh I have, its not that bad except for certain time periods in the night when it gets all cold and lonely and you just want to find someone to talk to on MSN. As such , to combat my loneliness, I recently created an imaginary friend named Rupet. Rupet was born in Australia but of Italian origin.He is pretty much a boring person and his hobbies include listening to me speak, standing in silence and being invisible most of the time.Usually I will do the talking and he will merely listen.Come to think of it, I have never heard Rupet spoken before.Oh well....... 2 more mins to go.. think i better go download my lecture slides now and quickly go buy some food for Rupet before he gets hungry...

Monday, March 05, 2007


Oh God, please help me ... I can't breathe.... help....

Friday, March 02, 2007

Poser Photos!!! In rememberance of Liow Ming Yong "World's greatest Poser"

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting