Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I still have not given up hope of representing Germany or Korea in soccer one day.....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

what do you do when your passion is drying up and you are easily distracted when your exams are only 2 weeks away?

ANS: You don't let your passion dry up and yourself to be easily distracted.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I received an email today from friendster reminding me that Beckham's birthday is coming soon... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKHAM!! Don't forget me....ask Ferguson to sign me soon... I have waited long enough as an undercover.. I want to go back to playing soccer

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

a word of advice for all who wanna take business.... don't major in accounting... it totally dulls the mind for authentic creativity.... which is why, .. I personally think people who study accounting are boring people.... ahahaha... no offense man.... anyway.... pretty disappointed today... after numerous 'cooking' sessions, I still have not mastered the skill of flipping the egg without spilling the yolk... arghh!!!!Which is why I always say, cooking is best left to gals... just leave the work to guys... stay home , look after the kids or do knitting.. buy osim chair and go for spa..... how lovely would that be.... I want to be zhar bor also cannot...So gals out there... thank God you are women and guys... thank God too..that you can go for cycling without having to go through menstrual cycles...and that you can be impregnable without being pregnant... ok the last part is out of point... NOT TO BE CONTINUED... anyway.. any girls out there who are good at cooking... opps i am not supposed to continue

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

ok i am distracted...i momentarily stopped studying just to come and write this...Charlene Choi is probably one of the cutest girl I have ever seen....seems like I have a penchant for cute gals... oh well...... anyway , if i were to construct a confidence interval of me becoming friends with Charlene, it will probably be less than 1 % and the 1% chance is due to the fact that I know cantonese..a little that is....zzz... argh.... all these are crap..... but yeah..TWINS rulzs...... man... dun call me a faggort....ha

Monday, May 08, 2006

If God were to grant me a wish, I would for time to be paused for 1 yr ...but then again.. its only a wish.....God I know you are reaing this..... :)