Jus wondering..shouldn't it be V for Vince..gonna go watch it tonight.... maybe
any kind souls or econs pro out there.... pls explain to me what is dead weight loss and consumer /producer surplus... your help will be very much appreciated
what do i do from here? please tell me... please help me
why do people discuss about whether gravity or wind is free during economics lesson...zzz...can't we just stick to logic and reasoning through graphs and diagrams?... there are some things that science cannot explain.....Hashim baby i need you now!
no time to blog nowadays..... to my fans out there..sorry for the lack of entries...asian blogger of the year without a doubt will be back in action soon....hopefully i will win that xiaxue blogger to retain the crown..haha jus kiddin..blogging sucks...and blogging sounds like those stuffs that ooze out of your nose........
munich was good...dun watch big momma 2 though.....
i recently spent sg $448 on a bike... including a beam light and a d - lock... somebody pls tell i am wasting money...go on.... scold me.......
"Remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience.And God is faithful.He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it.When you are tempted,he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." - 1 Corinthians 10:13
i suck at microsoft excel..... i need the excel for dummies book...
a korean girl just moved in next door yesterday and my flat mates are getting excited about it.... man....
man 36 degree celcius today and there's totally no cloud cover...the hottest i have ever experienced in melbourne so far...........
man..i better start cooking my first vege and rice next week ...need to cook like at least 4 times ...... need to start budgeting..what a mountain to climb
i have been having stomach ache for 2 days now...ah God pls help me... i feel helpless.......
my mp3 player died on me today again.... this time round..i think its really gone........ my 3 gig worth of songs
finally my broadband is here!!!!
dim sum for lunch cost me $15 today...man......
and finally...the indian techno music has forced me to seek refuge in the school library...... zzz